In a few days we will board our flight back to Kenya. December has been a whirlwind of activity. We've loved connecting with so many of you and sorry for those of you who we missed. We're so thankful to our Pastor, Larry Parsley and the staff at Valley Ranch Baptist for allowing Sydney and Nathan-Raegan to be baptized on December 6th. What a joy as parents to see our kids take the "holy swim" with such an amazing church family. We are grateful to all of you who took the time to share a coffee, stop by a jewelry party or buy us a meal. Thank You!
We were blessed to spend New Years Eve with two families that we graduated from Ouachita Baptist with. After an amazing steak dinner and a few furious games of Wii Party we brought in 2011 and then settled around the dinning room table to catch up on stories. Its been a long time since I laughed so hard and so long. The second part of 2010 was not the easiest of walks, but the Lord always knows how to refill your cup at just the right time. I'm in debt two those two couples and thankful that they were what God needed them to be as their company energized my soul.
In my quiet time over the past few days I've started a book my father gave to me in 2005. The first day clarified what my focus for the year will be (hopefully it will start a habit that will last a lifetime). The author eluded to three ways that Believers use scripture. The first is from a devotional approach, being encouraged by scripture as it is read and processed. The second is from a 'looking for life answers' approach, seeing what Scripture says about living life and how to make it through the difficult times. The third (the authors suggests is the most important) is spending time in Scripture to learn the mind of Christ. The idea has really stumped me and it intrigues me to begin the journey of having Christ's mind over this next year. How He thinks, How He acts, How He reacts to everyday situations. I've prayed for awhile now that I would have His eyes & ears as I wander through the day. I'm now adding to my prayer..."Lord, give me your mind today". As I spend time in your Word, as I walk in your Call, as I sit down and stand, let me think like you.
I hope that as you fasten your seatbelt and begin this new year that your days will be filled with chips and salsa, evenings with never ending Dr. Pepper fountains and as you lay your head down on your pillows Hot Tamale candies will dance in your minds.
And as I hope for those things, I pray that you'll see Christ come alive in your life in ways you can't imagine in the months to come.
Come and see us in 2011!
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